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新闻 2022-09-22 20:11

Spider-Man (2002)

Main article: Spider-Man (film)

Spider-Man follows Peter Parker as he is bitten by a "super-spider", which causes him to take on the traits of a spider. Following the murder of his uncle, Peter spends his whole life to fighting crime. Norman Osborn, in an attempt to save his company, experiments with human performance-enhancing drugs. The drugs cause Norman to go crazy. When Spider-Man refuses to join the Green Goblin, the two face off against each other in an epic battle.


1、国内挖机的二手市场基本上以上海,深圳这两地最全最大。 2、上海那边不太了解,深圳相对知道一点。 3、早年深圳的机确实很不错,原装原机而且型号齐全,可能是深圳靠近香港...[详细]
